This form is for reporting any rowing related incidents, including those with no damage or injury. Damage should also be reported here. Please provide as much information as possible. I may contact you with further questions.
Date/time of incident:
Location of incident (Use the drag and drop pointer): [map map_location "zoom:11;clat:51.49402381527632;clng:0.01780072966300672;lat:51.48482310952632;lng:-0.0048923492431640625"]
Location of incident (Optional, use if map is inaccessible):
Incident type: CollisionCapsizeOther
Were any other clubs invloved: NoYes
List other clubs involved:
Describe the incident, provide as much detail as you can:
Was any injury caused?: NoYesDon't know
Describe any injuries, provide as much detail as you can:
Was any equipment damaged? (damage should be reported here): NoYesDon't know
Describe any equipment damage, provide as much detail as you can:
Describe the crew(s) involved, provide as much detail as you can (e.g. boats, names, experience level):
Upload any photos of the incident, photos of an damage or injury are especially important. These may be required for insurance purposes: