test form Incident Report Globe Rowing Club This form is for reporting any rowing related incidents, including those with no damage or injury. Damage should also be reported here. Please provide as much information as possible. I may contact you with further questions. Name: Email: Date/time of incident: Location of incident (Use the drag and drop pointer): [map map_location "zoom:11;clat:51.49402381527632;clng:0.01780072966300672;lat:51.48482310952632;lng:-0.0048923492431640625"] Location of incident (Optional, use if map is inaccessible): Incident type: CollisionCapsizeOther Were any other clubs invloved: NoYes List other clubs involved: Describe the incident, provide as much detail as you can: Was any injury caused?: NoYesDon't know Describe any injuries, provide as much detail as you can: Was any equipment damaged? (damage should be reported here): NoYesDon't know Describe any equipment damage, provide as much detail as you can: Describe the crew(s) involved, provide as much detail as you can (e.g. boats, names, experience level): Upload any photos of the incident, photos of an damage or injury are especially important. These may be required for insurance purposes: